
Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire...

I have some serious issues in keeping up in the blogosphere world. *Oops* It's been a little over two weeks since my last post. ....Not that I'm letting an army of people down or anything...haha. I've been finishing up art projects, working on home reno projects, being a mommy, and geez...whatever else I can seem to cram in.

I was thinking about my last post featuring my nemesis: Winter. It's almost over, I know- my Martha Stewart  March issue came just the other day (& I love my Martha). The planting and growing season is just over the horizon but I still have a tiny, uncreated Old Man Winter sitting upon my shoulder (remember I said I would have a go at my own rendition?). Even after all the Springy type things I've been working on He's still weighing on my mind.

As a child, I always knew I would be a life long artist. I grew up with some wonderfully creative people (mom, aunts, cousins, sister), including a couple that neighbored my Grandparents house; The Kemenyffy's. They clearly have had an out standing influence on my own personal artistic abilities. Susan and Steven, are a husband/wife artist team that create clay pieces using the Japanese Raku firing process. Beside their amazing work, they also live on the most spectacular piece of property. A true to life Secret Garden. They are the most phenomenal, eccentric, warm, generous people one could ever meet. The numerous gardens strewn through out the (quite literally) 50 acre wood- was where I spent day in, day out all of my childhood days. I took these photo's from Susan's site....I'll have to rummage through the trove of pics I have of my own and post them up. :) (p.s. you can expect these pics to be posted in 2-3 years!).

In the Secret Garden
Pathways and Pondways

It is here, my thoughts drifted to while taking out the trash last night. Our neighbor boy had created a snowman in the previous days when the snow was ripe for the making of men. It had toppled over in the recent "heat wave" leaving its body disassembled. The lower base, in the darkness and reflection of the porch light created an uncanny likeness parallel to the giant heads emerging from Raku Place gardens. Though, opposing an 'old man' virtue, the head looked like that of a young skateboarder type man, or Michaelangelo's David's head. I stood there studying the features enough for me to go inside and sketch from memory.

Giant Heads of Raku Place
I fantasized myself  actually creating this piece out of clay to place in my own garden (I have no familiarity in clay/ceramics at all...you know, beside grade school). The 'torso' of the snow man looked like it could be the young man's wife. The actual snowman head looked like their child. It was an 'Old Man Winter FAMILY'!! All three poking out of the snow from the shoulders up, like they were melting into the earth. Their rein was through and it was time to surrender to the warmth and  green of Spring.

The quickest of sketches a sketch could ever be sketched. :)

I went to take photos this morning of this phenomenal site. But all the 'heads' had rolled off the 'shoulders'. :( So I just have to go by what I sketched in my book last night.

Beside, getting caught up into that whole ordeal. I created a treasury this morning for the Undiscovered Weekly Challenge. Glazed some of my paintings and birdhouses to prep them for the shop. Picked up the neighbor girl off the bus, made chocolate chip cookies, sat down to write this post, and oh- did I mention that I may (or may not) start painting the Dining Room tonight?
So after a few meltdowns from my girls through the duration of this post, it is time for me to go.  Take care and keep creative!

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