

I have a problem with wasting my time.
It's called:  Pinterest Logo  folks.
This terribly wonderful abomination is the best and worst thing ever.
Pinterest fulfills my compulsion of leafing through zines and books, & reading blogs, ALL in ONE PLACE! No more saving zines cuz there was an article I enjoyed reading, or inspiring photos. (Which magazine was that in again...hmmm...?). Everything is all right there. All that captures my interest and eye, categorized in neat little boards.
If the internet were to crash and crumble around us tomorrow, what in the world would I do with my time?
How could I survive?
I'm seriously considering setting up a local support group for those who are dangerously affected.
I know who you are b/c I'm always 'repinning' your pins at or about the same time of the day.
Follow Me on Pinterest Here I am in all my glory! Go ahead. Click it.
Warning! Pinterest is highly ADDICTIVE!
This being said, I have some business to attend to.
Have a wonderful day!

Catching Up

*this little bit was just sitting around waiting to be published.*
Oh thank GOODNESS it's Friday!
It's been a long, tiresome, and weird week to sum it all up.
I ate waaay too much chocolate for one thing! When it comes to gifts, cocoa confections is where it's at; a weakness that surely one day will be my ultimate downfall. Ha! Death by chocolate. I knew it.
Dealt with a clinically deranged nutsopath.
< A story I'd like to share but have no avidity to squander my time in doing so.>
 I've also been filling custom orders & taking care of sickies with a few really sleepless nights.

There were some good things about this week though:
I received some new jewelry from an amazing shop on Etsy called:
Wearable Curiosities - Unconventional Jewelry Design
I found Stephanie's sweet shop through Pinterest. I am in love with every. single. piece. in her shop.
And I'm not the only one! Stephanie has quite the adoration and following!
So, as it goes, I reserve this wild necklace as a present for myself.
Then, Jamie unknowingly chose the same SalvageSavage Shop to order me a Valentine's gift.
They both look stunning together!
Something that poked my intrigue: 
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia; n
which is the fear of long words.



It's a rainy day.
Good for digging through old treasures strewn within my collections.
I found, -well, re-found- a few photographic gems of my grandparents.
Margaret and Bob. Bob and Margaret.
Or, mine Granmy-ma & mine Granpy-pa as I like to call them.
Aren't they both adorable?

Writing on back reads:
Nov. 3rd 1957
Just before going to the field

Just beautiful.
Looking at them makes me want to pay a visit to a few of my very dear relatives to rummage around for other goodies like these!
The outcome has sparked a wonderful idea & I plan on using both of these photographs in a special way for both of their birthdays this year.


Mood Board: February Pick-Me-Ups

I hate February.
Hate. It.
It's like the loser month of the year. Doesn't quite have enough days to be a real month {Thank goodness - I guess}. It's always ridiculously cold and boring & it holds onto this pretentious holiday all about love. Well I say, save it sister.

I'm ready for the bleak to leave town. I always need some added pick me ups during this time, if by my cheery disposition you cannot tell, so I thought to myself........I haven't made a treasury {or even looked at Etsy} for quite some time now. I do apologize for being such a grumpus. But I just can't help myself. Really.
And so here we are:

Pink Rotary Phone W...

Free Shipping ))) o...


Serving Set - Black...

Giant Dwarf // Tiny...

3 Herbal Lip Balms ...


Box Top crop Top On...

black ships pillow

jersey hoodie - gre...

Olive Green, Oval R...

Vintage Samsonite T...

Light Green-Grey Kn...

Tree House Tea Towe...

Set of 4 hand paint...

Black and white che...


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