
A Re-Cap

This week we've been doused in rain. Sideways rain, torrential down pours, hail, soaking-freezing rain.....none to which I am in any favor of. I've also been pretty busy lately- my artwork and blog have taken a seat on the back burners as well. The gardens have been weeded, plants have been transplanted, seeds have been sewn in. I've also been immersed into a never ending sea of laundry {what the heck?} and so finally it feels like I have some time to do the things that this girl likes to do: be creative in a treasure trove number of ways. What better way to encapsulate our time than with a photo montage :)

 I was so excite to find Jacks growing in the woods I've never seen them in real life besides in flower catalogs.
I think they're wonderfully weird.

A canopy of  Umbrella Plants

Soak in that Sunshine!

 Trip to Kemenyffy's
 I love coming here. I. LOVE. It.

A small portion of our very large family
I ♥ you too!


.... Back for a picnic & some kite flying.
{Those power lines only LOOK close by. lol}

Sophie Graduates Pre-School

They were all so cute singing for their families.


 I was so encompassed in the site of these tulip flowers I had to capture their beauty. A tripod would have helped, hehe. I couldn't believe how many came up this year! This photo was taken last Thursday, and they're pretty much spent right now. So I'm glad I snapped this picture when I did.

Through out all our rain the girls have taken a liking in watching Alice in Wonderland, both the classic Walt Disney version and the Tim Burton Disney version. And I have to admit that through their love of the story, I have Alice on the brain. I was so disappointed with the Tim Burton Alice that it made me mad about even purchasing the movie. The more I see it, it slowly becomes ok....but if I had the talent and know how he has, well, that movie would have been AWESOME! I've begun to read the book again so I can accentuate my own interpretations of this dear, favored story.

I hope you've enjoyed my photos! I'll try not to stay away too long this time!


  1. Oh my gosh, that little graduation photo is outrageously cute. And I love those beautiful tulips, too.

  2. Found you on the Etsy Blog Team! Very nice blog page!!! I like Queens of The Stone Age too!


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